Drug Court of New South Wales

Courtroom security

Sheriff's officers provide security in courts to make sure courts are a safe place for everyone. While they may look like police, they are not.

Many courts use walk-through metal detectors and x-ray machines to check bags just like at the airport. The Sheriff's Office can provide you with more information on court security and what you can and can not bring to court.

If you are scared about seeing the person who hurt you at court you should tell someone who works at the court or a sheriff's officer. They will help you find somewhere safe to stay until your case is called.

In cases of domestic violence, support services will usually be available at the court. Contact the Women's Domestic Violence Court Assistance Scheme - external site to find your nearest court support service.

The Director of Public Prosecutions provides a witness assistance service for all matters they are involved in. These matters are normally serious cases that can be heard by a judge and jury. Find out more about the Witness Assistance Service. - external site

Last updated:

09 Aug 2023

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